Monday, August 15, 2011


Hi everyone! I want to share something about myself.

Call me Riwa, I study at University of St. La Salle, taking up mass communications. I pass projects, assignments and reports before the deadline and most of all I study hard. I currently do these things to pass and consider these as my job.

I feel great and bad about life. Great because of my family, friends and happy experiences that made my life complete. Bad because I hate challenges, I mean, when in a hard situation my head cracks and most of all I hate living my days in sadness. Sometimes happiness turns to sadness and my heart can’t accept it easily. You know what I mean? Problems arise and sometimes too heavy but though life looks like that, I know I still need to go on and face challenges with bravery. Anyway, life without challenges makes one’s life meaningless right?

Talking about personality, I always want to try new things. I talk too much and sometimes not enough. I love hanging out with my friends and I always enjoy their company. I love to sing even though I don’t have a good voice. I always try to calm down when in a bad situation and I keep secrets very well, because of this, my friends trust me. When I feel angry about people, I just keep it within myself. I don’t express my hatred towards the person that much because I don’t have words to express them.


"E-prime makes me crazy".

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Gender Differences in Communication

How's the exam?
Male: It was hard. I didn't study.
Female: OMG, I really don't know what to answer! It was hard! What's your answer on page 4, number 5?

Gender also affects communication.Okay, females are emotional than males while males has limited emotional content. Females talk more than males. There are many differences on how the females and males communicate, these are just some of the examples.

Either you are a female or a male, there's nothing wrong on how you communicate because for me, it is most likely in our nature as females or males. The important thing is that we should try to understand what he or she is saying. As long a we understand each other despite the gender differences we can achieve successful communication.

I like the way gays communicate because there are so artistic in using and inventing words. Females and males are quite really different in talking. In short, different genders = (equals) different ideas. For me, this what makes the world more interesting and colorful. Through this we will be able to know how to interact with an opposite sex and also tells us to listen carefully to what the person is saying. So always broaden your perception.