Thursday, February 14, 2013

I want to share the story that my Sister-in-law wrote for my magazine project. I hope you will enjoy reading!

Title: Wake up!

"And they lived happily ever after!" - Non sense!

I knew a lot of people who got hurt believing all these fairly tales, true love, fantasy!

They thought they have found the guy of the girl that they wanted to grow old with, yet in the end after a few years of happily ever after, they got cheated, fell out of love, or got a simple decision of "I don't want to be with you anymore."

I got scared knowing this, fear of maybe losing him someday, waking up one day that he is no longer mine. Could I still go on?

A friend actually made me realize something that made me answer this question. When I saw her crying on our shoulders, we kept on saying those cliches..." you can do it, there are still lots of guys out there, don't cry just because of him, let's move on, blah blah blah." When I took her home, while on our way to her house, this friend of mine kept on blubbering her heartaches. I tired to comfort her and the best that I could say was "I understand you, I've been through that too."

I've been there, done that...fell in love, got hurt, cried, and cursed someone. I thought I knew what I was going through, I thought I understand it all, but then just that night I realized something.

We kept on believing on forever, happy endings, wishing someday we could be those princesses who found true love...we got so deep into the idea of love that we forgot about reality.

REALITY is that, you are not the only princess in this world, there are no fairy godmothers that could change everything for you, there is no perfect prince charming that could never hurt you and for you to find true love's kiss one should not just sleep, do nothing and wait until it comes.

So here's the thing! Stop dreaming, wake up!

Maybe it would be less hurtful if you would know that not like in fairy tales real world offers us a new day to start a whole new story again if we ready to begin it. We could learn and try again. If we fall, we could still stand up and carry on again. If that fairy tale of yours ended, don't worry it's just a little chapter i your real life. You could add new characters maybe or you could still keep those the ones that you would like to stay.

We could still find another prince, we could still go on, live life again, it may not be happy the whole time but we could still keep on working on it. The last time that you experienced pain will not be the last time, there would be more. We could still be hurt, we might cry again and get wounded all over again, but then just make sure that it was not the same mistake. That I wasn't the same wicked witch who took your happiness away. Don't just put yourself into a deep sleep on nothingness because no matter what you do, when you wake up the pain will never go away. Instead of doing so, keep yourself busy in turning your weaknesses yo your strengths. Learn to love yourself first!

And the next time you meet your next prince charming...

Don't just appreciate him for coming into your life, prove to him that he was never wrong of choosing you.

Don't just be glad that his staying, give him reasons to keep on staying.

Never expect more than what he can give, try to know him well and soon you'll understand him more, then you could love him the way the he wanted.

Don't work on your relationship so that you could have him forever, but love him today more than the first time you did and like that today would be the last day that he could be in your arms because who knows, maybe tomorrow it would no longer be your fairy tale.

Tell him you love him right at this moment, don't think you could still do that the next day or the day after that, because you might regret it that you had never shown your prince how much you loved and cared for him.

Indeed there are no fairy godmothers to rescue us, but never forget that we have something more powerful than them. HIM, so never stop on praying, pray that your heart will be whole again and that HE will keep it wise and safe.

Someday, we may not say that we loved happily ever after, but there's one thing that I want to make sure that someday we could say, that I died happily ever after.

-Maria Sahara Fregil

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