Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cultural Ethnocentrism

Culture is very vital for all human beings for we create or make our lives according to what we believed in. The doleful thing here is that some people would misjudge cultures or shall I say “judged in an intense way.” In today’s world, people judge according on how they live and this have something to do on how we treat other people. If people would think that your culture is modernized, people would think you’re cool and say “welcome to the family”, and if people would think the culture you’re in is hapless, people would think you’re an outcast and say “get out of here.” Yes, it’s most likely judging rich from the poor.

What if all of us are ethnocentric people? What will happen to us? My answer would be an honest, “I don’t know”, but I’m truly confident to say that there will be no cause of goodness. As an individual, I should understand the people for me to be amiable or to be considerate enough to understand their culture and be able to conclude that each nation is unique. If I will understand people, I will understand their culture and learn to appreciate them. Second, I should be respectful, I need to respect people to respect me back and also when I respect them it means I respect their culture. This is one way for me to accept them entirely and with respect, no chaos will arise. Finally, I should love. I need to love people for who they are. When I love others, I will somehow learn to love their backgrounds and that is culture. If I myself hate my own culture, then I should learn to love it and be brave enough by not letting anyone discriminate me.

What will happen if culture doesn’t exist? Of course, the world will die of boredom. What will happen if we share only one culture? Maybe, there will be no such thing called as culture. It is one I should not taken for granted because it is a gift and worth taking care for and we are incomplete without culture. If you think you’re an ethnocentric, then you know what to do.

Remember this: We are all humans, if you need respect and love so do I. There are no words such as rich or poor in God’s dictionary because we are all equal in the eyes of God. No more ethnocentrism please! Let’s treat equally and appreciate culture.

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