Thursday, July 28, 2011

Debate Blog

Earon: The responsibility for listening well is on the listener! Even how the speaker talks to the person who is listening, if the listener do not understand what the speaker is talking about, then it just means that communication is not successful. Listening starts with paying attention, so if the listener don't pay much attention to the person speaking, it is like hearing voices without knowing the words that the speaker is trying to tell. Everything he or she had said becomes useless.

Mouthy: The responsibility for being clear and interesting is on person doing most of the talking! The speaker should share interesting topics as possible so that the listener will listen attentively. Also, being clear should be take into account so that the listener too will clearly understand. Some students don't listen to their teachers because what they are discussing is boring, it is something that the students are not interested in. For the students to listen to the their teachers, the teachers should make lively discussions as possible and think as many ways on how would they catch the students attention. I think that would be one of the good examples.

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