Monday, December 26, 2011


A change within myself, a change in the family, a change of time and a change of Christmas celebration.

Change is a one syllable word that seems to be inevitable to every person. It can be either good or bad and because of all those changes, there's another chance to reflect upon it and so another lessons learned.

Today is  December 26 and I feel different. I look upon the Christmas tree wondering how other people celebrated their Christmas. I thought about something to reflect and seconds after  I said to myself "something's changed". I missed my older brothers' company and since he left to Japan everything's changed but what bothers me most are our brothers and sisters in Mindanao. I pity and feel sorry for what happened and I can't just imagine how terrible their Christmas was because others lost their family and mostly lost their home. Since Christmas is about giving love, my mom and I didn't hesitate to help them even just in a simple way.

This Christmas is about reflecting. Not all people are happy during Christmas and that's the reality but we need also to think about positivity. Sometimes we succeed, sometimes we fail but still God helped us in every way He can. Don't be bothered about all those bad changes that happened this year, think about ourselves, our family, our friends and God. Are you completely emptied?

This Christmas made me realize that there is no reason to be sad at all. I still have my ever supportive family, I still have my helpful friends and most of all God who always loves me for who I am. Change is constant as we all know it. EVERYTHING changes as what other people say and I honestly believed in it, but now, I'll say no because there's only but one thing that will ever remain and never change and that is...the love of God.

I'll leave my photo uncolored and I'll let God color my Christmas with His love.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Corny Q and A

Jym: Hey Dave, why do you like to be manager?
Dave: Because I like to manage of course.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Corny skit 2

Mother: Where's the cake I ordered?
Son: Oh, it's with me mom.
Mother: Where is it? Let me see it now.
Son: I can't mom.
Mother: Why? I'm in hurry! I'm already late for the Birthday party.
Son: I'm sorry mom, but it's already inside...inside my tummy.
Mother: You're grounded for two weeks.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


One day there was a girl named Eye
She was so very shy
She was very white with very dark hair
and Everybody always stare

She wished one day to be blind
She met an old woman so kind
Her wish was granted so fast
She's blind at last!

She doesn't know that it was a curse
It was January twenty first
When her wish was all reversed
Her heart almost burst

The curse turned her into a ball
So white and dark in the center
It will not easily fall
Made to see people even better

The shy Eye was not happy
For always seeing the people terribly
She can even feel the dust coming from the outside
And take no control of what's going inside

But she didn't know that she was with everybody
She met Ear, Nose and Mouth and she was happy
Ear that could only hear, Nose that could only smell, Mouth that could only taste
Eye that could only see, they were the same in her case

Many many years later
They got all stuck together
Eye became their neighbor and so the three
They all became one big family!

The END....

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Who hates CHORES?

C- ostly (you
H- armful (Like when you iron, you suddenly touched the hot surface)
O- utdated (Chores are old fashioned, Just look for something better like going to party!)
R- iotous (When somebody tells you to do chores you usually converse with anger and that's the start of a riot)
E- asy (Easy when let someone do it for you)
S- leazy ( Stay away from any dirt!)

Note: This is just for FUN.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Hi everyone! I want to share something about myself.

Call me Riwa, I study at University of St. La Salle, taking up mass communications. I pass projects, assignments and reports before the deadline and most of all I study hard. I currently do these things to pass and consider these as my job.

I feel great and bad about life. Great because of my family, friends and happy experiences that made my life complete. Bad because I hate challenges, I mean, when in a hard situation my head cracks and most of all I hate living my days in sadness. Sometimes happiness turns to sadness and my heart can’t accept it easily. You know what I mean? Problems arise and sometimes too heavy but though life looks like that, I know I still need to go on and face challenges with bravery. Anyway, life without challenges makes one’s life meaningless right?

Talking about personality, I always want to try new things. I talk too much and sometimes not enough. I love hanging out with my friends and I always enjoy their company. I love to sing even though I don’t have a good voice. I always try to calm down when in a bad situation and I keep secrets very well, because of this, my friends trust me. When I feel angry about people, I just keep it within myself. I don’t express my hatred towards the person that much because I don’t have words to express them.


"E-prime makes me crazy".

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Gender Differences in Communication

How's the exam?
Male: It was hard. I didn't study.
Female: OMG, I really don't know what to answer! It was hard! What's your answer on page 4, number 5?

Gender also affects communication.Okay, females are emotional than males while males has limited emotional content. Females talk more than males. There are many differences on how the females and males communicate, these are just some of the examples.

Either you are a female or a male, there's nothing wrong on how you communicate because for me, it is most likely in our nature as females or males. The important thing is that we should try to understand what he or she is saying. As long a we understand each other despite the gender differences we can achieve successful communication.

I like the way gays communicate because there are so artistic in using and inventing words. Females and males are quite really different in talking. In short, different genders = (equals) different ideas. For me, this what makes the world more interesting and colorful. Through this we will be able to know how to interact with an opposite sex and also tells us to listen carefully to what the person is saying. So always broaden your perception.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Debate Blog

Earon: The responsibility for listening well is on the listener! Even how the speaker talks to the person who is listening, if the listener do not understand what the speaker is talking about, then it just means that communication is not successful. Listening starts with paying attention, so if the listener don't pay much attention to the person speaking, it is like hearing voices without knowing the words that the speaker is trying to tell. Everything he or she had said becomes useless.

Mouthy: The responsibility for being clear and interesting is on person doing most of the talking! The speaker should share interesting topics as possible so that the listener will listen attentively. Also, being clear should be take into account so that the listener too will clearly understand. Some students don't listen to their teachers because what they are discussing is boring, it is something that the students are not interested in. For the students to listen to the their teachers, the teachers should make lively discussions as possible and think as many ways on how would they catch the students attention. I think that would be one of the good examples.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Media has the vital role to let the people know about what world we are living in. But it has also disadvantages that could lead to judgment of ourselves. Advertisements particularly about beauty is one of the most advertised in television. Media created bullies, do you agree? Women most especially, they look for something good to beautify their selves because they are not contented of the self they’re in, so that people would change their perceptions somehow. Teenagers became cynical because of the bullies in their school. Pressure comes and more women would feel that they are not good enough which results to low self-esteem. And oh, not just women but men are also pressurized because they wanted to be what the women wanted them to be. As to my own “likes” about guys, what I see in television or magazines most likely affected me. If you ask me what kind of guy I like, I’ll say “he would probably be like the guy I’ve seen on television (well usually guys in televisions are hot)”. You see now the effects of the media.

I maybe also one who feel insecure about myself but it’s no use at all. Being me is just the perfect thing. I know many people dislike me, but I don’t care. I have a particular friend of mine, who is actually one of my best friends now, she might not be as beautiful as people think but she always stand with positivity and consider herself beautiful. I really like her because of her attitude and that she’s just being herself. I really do hope that all of us can be like her. There’s no need to photoshop, drink pills and have surgery. Though media had a great effect regarding self-esteem, just always bear in mind that there’s no one more beautiful than you are. Be proud or yourself dear.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Susan Boyle

I remembered her when our teacher showed to us her video in class. An unexpected woman who auditioned in Britain's Got Talent for her dream. " I'm trying to be a professional singer", she said, after that statement I remembered, a lot of people in the audience raised their eyebrows and laughed and treated her like a joke. Reaction of the people was not good at all because it was clearly seen in the video and I was like "people are so mean". But I realized, if I was one of the audience, honestly, I may have laughed too.

If I was Susan Boyle, I would have died on that stage because I couldn't stand seeing people laughing right at  my face. I would be really disappointed about myself, and tell myself that I was stupid and I shouldn't have tried this.

When she started to sing, the crowd came into silence and stunned by her magical voice. If I was there, I would realize that what i did was totally wrong and I feel ashamed of myself. At the first place, I could see that she's really positive about everything, her self- esteem was very high, she even joked about herself! She didn't care what other's think of her at the first place, instead she stood with head held high and took the time of her life.

This 7 minute and 30 seconds video of her taught me two lessons. First, do not judge the book by its cover and second, don't let the "vultures" in my life put me down, instead I should fight over it, I should not allow anyone to make a barrier against the things I want to do. I should never stop dreaming. "I will and I shall go with all my heart and be dedicated like Susan Boyle and of course with God's help".

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cultural Ethnocentrism

Culture is very vital for all human beings for we create or make our lives according to what we believed in. The doleful thing here is that some people would misjudge cultures or shall I say “judged in an intense way.” In today’s world, people judge according on how they live and this have something to do on how we treat other people. If people would think that your culture is modernized, people would think you’re cool and say “welcome to the family”, and if people would think the culture you’re in is hapless, people would think you’re an outcast and say “get out of here.” Yes, it’s most likely judging rich from the poor.

What if all of us are ethnocentric people? What will happen to us? My answer would be an honest, “I don’t know”, but I’m truly confident to say that there will be no cause of goodness. As an individual, I should understand the people for me to be amiable or to be considerate enough to understand their culture and be able to conclude that each nation is unique. If I will understand people, I will understand their culture and learn to appreciate them. Second, I should be respectful, I need to respect people to respect me back and also when I respect them it means I respect their culture. This is one way for me to accept them entirely and with respect, no chaos will arise. Finally, I should love. I need to love people for who they are. When I love others, I will somehow learn to love their backgrounds and that is culture. If I myself hate my own culture, then I should learn to love it and be brave enough by not letting anyone discriminate me.

What will happen if culture doesn’t exist? Of course, the world will die of boredom. What will happen if we share only one culture? Maybe, there will be no such thing called as culture. It is one I should not taken for granted because it is a gift and worth taking care for and we are incomplete without culture. If you think you’re an ethnocentric, then you know what to do.

Remember this: We are all humans, if you need respect and love so do I. There are no words such as rich or poor in God’s dictionary because we are all equal in the eyes of God. No more ethnocentrism please! Let’s treat equally and appreciate culture.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Corny skit 1

Blushy: Wow! Last Tuesday was the best day I ever had in my entire life!
Shy: Me too!
Blushy: Really!? Why?
Shy: Yup, you first.
Blushy: My boyfriend Dan broke up with me because of this "hot girl" in school. You?
Shy: My boyfriend Jess broke up with me because of this "40 year old women" in school.
Blushy: What! By the way, I've heard that Jess got suspended last Monday.
Shy: Oh crap.
Blushy:Woah! No way, that "40 year old women" must be our pri...pri..
Shy: Don't mention it.